Monday, February 4, 2008

work work work

So I'm in my last semester at Mass Art and this blog is a requirement for the portfolio class I'm taking. It's a good class - all about finding work as animators. I often find myself feeling really unsure about my work and lack the ego and confidence to show it off. Unfortunately it seems finding success in the animation world involves a lot of shameless self promotion and networking eeeeek!  

Anyways... I posted the PSA I made last semester for Food Not Bombs. I had a lot fun animating two of my favorite things: bug eyed creatures and delicious food. Soon it will be up on their website!

My degree project is completely different in every way. Its a serious documentary style animation on the subject of Electroconvulsive therapy. I've spent the past few months interviewing people and editing 4 hours of audio into 4 minutes.  Now I'm creating the visuals in flash, printing out the frames, and painting them with watercolor. It's really wearing me down especially since absurdist  humor and bug eyed characters are off limits with this type subject matter. oh well... there's no turning back now. Heres a clip:



NorEasterFF said...

chin up cutie... i know how you feel rite now about being seclusive about showing your work to the world. hell still doing that now but not as bad as i was 3 years ago. it maybe over whelming and i know it has and still is but he some advice that i have found useful, just do what you can and take it all in with a grain of salt.

i like ur still, rough and raw, but simply and cute. hope that got into a film festival or something. if not, ur are welcome to my film festival.

Your buddy,

Ben-nihana CHOU (aka. COMMANDER Chou)

Adam said...

Your DP will rock. Don't worry about making it and just make it.

Man, Ben Chou? They let ANYONE on blogs nowadays...